Prayer and Mission

I  am prone to action. I am prone to “do – do – do.” I am prone to taking matters into my own hands and hoping that God will bless what I am doing. This is especially true of me when it comes to being on mission and doing evangelism. I want to create aContinue reading “Prayer and Mission”

The Gospel Knows No Frontiers

Last week I read through a book called Dispatches from the Front – Stories of Gospel Advance in the World’s Difficult Places. The book follows Tim Keesee as he travels the world, telling stories of the bold faith and sacrificial bravery that many of our brothers and sisters portray as they face challenges for beingContinue reading “The Gospel Knows No Frontiers”

Roman Catholic Contextualization

It has been said that up until recently western missions has been a process of cultural domination – i.e. westernization. Although there is a ring of truth to this, we know that the Vatican sent out instructions to its missionaries, through the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of Faith, in 1659 instructing it missionaries notContinue reading “Roman Catholic Contextualization”

Urban Population

Over the past decade or so missiologists have increasingly noted how important urban centers will be (and to a huge extent already are) for mission. There are many factors as to why this is so – for instance the size, complexity, migration/immigration, ethnocentrism/ethnic diversity, and wealth/poverty that all exist in tension within cities. However oneContinue reading “Urban Population”

N.T. Wright on the Church Shaped by Mission

Our mission has to be shaped by our ultimate vision of God’s future… that in turn should reshape how we do church. When we announce Jesus as Lord of heaven and earth then a power is unleashed which does transform not only individuals but also communities.  

Can the Church as We Know it Survive?

In a recent blogpost Neil Cole contrasts two (very different) Non-Western Churches: When the communists took over the nation they arrested the church leaders (like Nee) and seized all church property. The indigenous expressions of simple churches meeting in homes not only survived…they thrived. The Cultural Revolution of Mao Tse-Tung sought to eliminate all religionContinue reading “Can the Church as We Know it Survive?”

The Church and Its Missionary Calling

What is the purpose of the church? What is its calling? Why does it exist? These are all questions that the Armenian Catholicos of Cilicia, Aram K’eshishea answers when he wrote about the nature of the church as a missional community… The church is a community of faith. Under no circumstances should we lose thisContinue reading “The Church and Its Missionary Calling”

10 Statements About the Gospel

Gospel this, gospel that, gospel here, gospel there, gospel everywhere! Now a days it seems like everything is “gospel,” but if everything is the gospel then nothing is the gospel. However, this does not mean that the gospel does not have breadth, the gospel might be a lot more multifaceted than we think…. The word “gospel”Continue reading “10 Statements About the Gospel”

Get to the Greeks!

Are fraternities and sororities at secular universities hard to reach? Yes. But it is absolutely possible to make an impact in those communities. I recently came across a video that shows how some campus ministers are doing that… via Beau Crosetto

Baker’s Spring 2014 Academic Catalog

I visited my mom’s house recently and found that I had been sent Baker Academic’s Spring 2014 Catalog. I don’t know how long its been sitting there… days? weeks? years?!?! Either way, there are some upcoming titles that I am pretty excited about! Here they are, I hope you are as excited about them asContinue reading “Baker’s Spring 2014 Academic Catalog”