Proclaim the Gospel!

What are Gen Zers looking for when it comes to hearing the good news proclaimed? How can we meet them where they are at when they’re faced with the gospel? How will this shape how you proclaim Christ? A study conducted by the Barna Group between the months of December 2020 and January 2021 foundContinue reading “Proclaim the Gospel!”

CFP: “Vengeance is Mine”: Christianity, Violence, and Peace

CFP from Megan Gooley, Conference Chair, Fordham TGSA Greetings, I am writing on behalf of the Fordham Theology Graduate Student Association with a call for papers for our annual graduate conference.  The conference theme is “Vengeance is Mine”: Christianity, Violence, and Peace and will feature Dr. George Demacopoulos as the keynote speaker. We would very much appreciateContinue reading “CFP: “Vengeance is Mine”: Christianity, Violence, and Peace”

Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview – GIVEAWAY!

Not too long ago – okay quite a while ago – I wrote up a few things on William Lane Craig and J.P. Moreland’s second edition of Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview. You can find my blog on their take on Penal Substitution here and my take on their view of the relationship to philosophyContinue reading “Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview – GIVEAWAY!”

TheologyGrams: Theology Explained in Diagrams

Meme’s and infographics are today’s preferred choice of communication for a lot of people – Millennials I’m looking at you…(and myself). For those of you who don’t know, infographics are “graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly” (Thanks Wikipedia) So for example, here is a cool infographicContinue reading “TheologyGrams: Theology Explained in Diagrams”

The Philosophy of the Hebrew Bible

I no longer find myself sitting in the bright, sunny, and (awfully) hot Mediterranean climate of Pasadena, rather I find myself sitting in the bright, sunny, and (awfully) hot Mediterranean climate of Jerusalem. So why am I here? To engage with a similar sort of project that the AT project is engaged with at FullerContinue reading “The Philosophy of the Hebrew Bible”

Theology as Discipleship

Theology is irrelevant to our life as Christians. At least that’s what many evangelicals tend to believe. There is this thought that runs through much of evangelicalism that theology is either irrelevant because we should be focusing on practical things. There is also another line of thought that seems to believe that theology is dangerousContinue reading “Theology as Discipleship”

Analytic Theology at St. Andrews

Recently it was announced that St. Andrews University (thanks to the Templeteon Foundation) would be joining Fuller Seminary in kicking off a program in Analytic Theology…. Some of the biggest issues facing humanity will form the basis of study at a new international institute to be based at the University of St Andrews. The LogosContinue reading “Analytic Theology at St. Andrews”

“Only Two Things are Needed” – The Dogmatic Theology of Karl Barth

How does one go about doing theology? What sort of tools are needed? A bible, some books, a library, maybe a good search engine like google or Wikipedia (just joking there). Karl Barth gives us an answer to this question – What do you need to do theology? According to Barth, dogmatic theology is aContinue reading ““Only Two Things are Needed” – The Dogmatic Theology of Karl Barth”

Happy Reformation Day!

Fun Fact: The only countries in which Reformation Day is a national holiday are Chile and Slovenia. (Though in Chile it’s called Día Nacional de las Iglesias Evangélicas y Protestantes — National Day of the Evangelical and Protestant Churches.) – @TGC Happy Reformation Day to all of my protestant friends.

Sarah Coakley on the Task of Theology

This quote was too good not to share, however it was too long for twitter….. Here is what Sarah Coakley says about the task of theology: Theology involves not merely the metaphysical task of adumbrating a vision of God, the world, and humanity, but simultaneously the epistemological task of cleansing, reordering, and redirecting the apparatusesContinue reading “Sarah Coakley on the Task of Theology”